:rofl awesome find doode! Made JDm driftorz!




Yo Kramer or someone I need a pic of this guy’s frohawk, I got a tablet PC over here :lol

might be a repost but d00d is going fast as FACK!?!?!

omg my car cant go 50mph up a hill in 3rd gear:’(


his face looked better fucked up.

anyone here work at the ARC and can translate retard? i’d love to know what the above quote actually says…

:rofl wow this guy is a real douche!

“Yo thats me and yeah Im sitting in my moms minivan ballin out with her tupperware and shit” - racehomob16hatchrustedposchodesmoker


the sad, sad truth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GcVnhNjWV0

Nice bowl in backseat.

No way are you forgiven. Singh, what are you thinking man? I could murder someone and say sorry, but does that change the fact I murdered someone? No.

The only POSITIVE thing he did was to apologize. But that’s out of 50000000 negative things he has done.

Sorry iracegayhatchesbecauseihaveaids59858. You still a deuche in my book!

Checking in from the H-A basement, and there aren’t even words to explain the legendary scope of this thread. Between the double-talk (or type in this case), backpedaling, general retardation, lack of concern for the English language, grammar, jackassery, blantant lies, proclamations of preposterous sexual encounters, I’ve definitely experienced more lol’s than I have in a long time. Thank you.

  • Is this duffle-douchebag for real? I seriously thought it was a joke, now I KNOW he is. “Country boy” types like some kind of home-schooled, smoked-stupid hillbilly, making attempts at wiggerdom
  • Pink shirts and faux hawks bitches and homos who watch The Hills.
  • Big ups to all the sensible people on here, for keeping me hooked while you trounce this entire shed of tools.

…it even made me miss my lunch break.

Again with the hilarious user name. :lol

I suck at drawing but had to make something with the tablet PC sitting in front of me:


That guy kinda looks like Sam…

omg im fucking rolling over here

Checking in from Fortmyersracing.net in good ole’ South Florida. Thank you to everyone whom made this thread possible. Thread of the year.

^ :rofl

This again.