:rofl soooooo the awesome photoshops in here are killlllling me right now, except for Lance’s…sorry, but that was sub-par. :lol
I bet raceflamingchodechompinghatch92 wishes to take a few steps back now! :rofl :rofl :rofl
:rofl soooooo the awesome photoshops in here are killlllling me right now, except for Lance’s…sorry, but that was sub-par. :lol
I bet raceflamingchodechompinghatch92 wishes to take a few steps back now! :rofl :rofl :rofl
hell yea, when murrdog sees a window of opportunity he doesn’t waste it!
:rofl pwned in a pwn
haha… any way I can nicole, ANY FUCKING WAY I CAN
I’m trying to get by on MS paint right now hahaha
E should use his amazing MS Paint skills to portray this.
he is a god among mere mortals with that program.
:rofl quit sluggin and DL CS4
:rofl he should
pmed singh
I fucking L O L’ed
i see you’ve done some prior research… good for you.
Rememeber what happened last time you tried to be cool and act all tough? The whole interweb ganged up on you:haha. Youre not helping your situation. And like youd do jack shit anyways.
P.S. Ive spent like 2 hours reading this thread every day when i get home. Many funnys have been had.
kk… meet up with deadbeatrec,94gt5.0, and 88slowmarro. They’re very scared of you and very small in stature. Watch out for me, k20powerz, kramerslutz, psi2high, and sgt. trooper, were all over 6’5’ and 250lbs
last i checked, i can throw down as well.
haha sorry… I was just thinkin on the fly, feel free to edit my post and include your name
yeah, but those guys are the small guys on the forum, no match for badass rac92dicksinmyhatch…winkwink
i’m 6,3 280 lbs