its all good.

im small, im just 5’9 165lb.

I weigh 160 and im 6’ not big by any means but im sure id throw this pink shirt wearing homo around like a rag doll. Deadbeat and others of his stature would end up killing him by accident im sure.

your an oversized vagina

Let’s have a meet tonight…we can all meet mr.josh.

we should report this to the news haha

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Hahaha…This is awesome…

" In other news, a Broadalbin man is being sued over allegations he posted pictures of his ex-girlfriends on a public internet forum as sexual conquests. According to our sources members of the forum Shift 518, would not buy his broken POS civic in lieu of marijuana, which eventually led to the alleged picture posting. Some members of the forum, deemed heros by many local and international groups, called out Josh Ogden on his conquest list, only to find not only had he not slept with any of the girls, he had also had sexual relations with his very own sister. Well have more on this at 10.


Well Karen, that is some news. I can’t believe someone would go that far, in an attempt to gain respect from his peers.


Yes, it is very disturbing Matt. We can only hope that these girls find the solice they are searching for since the attack on their public images. Well, in other news, a state official being called a Monster. More on this, and the story of Josh Ogden at 10. See you then.

I just spent both my 15 min breaks, and my 1/2 hr lunch break… and then another 2 hours at home reading from page one. My co-workers think im nuts b/c I was simply in tears from the epicness… LMAO. I have no words for this toolbag.

sad part is i can ACTUALLY envision this happening and im cracking up over it.

Your realy loving the fact that the attentions been taken off of you eh?

Drafting up a news bulletin now.


To be honest… I think it’s the direct opposite for him

There’s the original list of girls he posted. I viewed his post before/after edit to compare. Dunno if that helps any.

I love the fact that his phone # is still in the original post. Anyone try calling this guy? haha

ill take a ride to b/p if anyone wants to go :slight_smile:

Just incase he tries to edit out his phone number. Wayne, should this be posted in LIL OT??? Remember the Junkyard guy and Mr Impala?

hey guys, Bennyfizzle here just got out of the hospital, race92runmymouthdouche just “ran into me” at school. blindsided me with an axe to the neck after screaming something about incest and the internet. recovering from a mild decapitation, its all good tho cuz i called admiral marine thompson to help me out with pressing charges.
