Page 50, whos going to be the first to post on the milestone page?




this guy


this one


next one

edited - merged
def this time

one more



Way to spam the thread. It’s not hard to count that there are 30 posts per page.

why do ya gotta tell him im the small one of the group ?im not that small

no im not a perfectionist i dont really care how i tye on a forum, if this were a graded paper damn right i would give a flying fuck about grammar etc.

Oh hai

This is just like a “graded paper”. We’re grading how much of a retard you are.

I still need cliff notes bishes. I’ll even take cliffs from the person gettin pwnd.

I can’t even understand half of the things you’re saying, mind repeating that?

You said that you got GOOD GRADES, and type like this? Grade given: Retard.

Mama says life is like a box o chocolates, actually she told me not to make fun of retards but I cant help myself on this one





lol.the last one is the best

Got it. Basically kid come on forum to sell car. Asks way to much, offers to trade for weed. Starts bashing on domestics and V8 cars, moves into name calling and badgering, then he posts pics of girls he has “conquered” with names. Myself and some others seek out said girls and find out that he did not sleep with any of them. He even posted his sister as one of the pics. Then he continues to lie some more, saying his family is made of cops, when they aren’t. AKA SGT. TROOPER Thompson haha. Then it backfires when one girls dad finds out about his post about his daughter and has threatened to sue OP.

There is a LOT more to it than that, but that covers the basics.

Whoa whoa whoa, he bashed american cars?

Its on now:sFi_bat:

he said his car beat mine

SARGENT TROOPER is the best part, i think.

His car? The one without an engine?

Thanks to me :rofl