Singh, how did you come across this information?

true, but still, i think this has played its course pretty much

evryone claims to have mental issues to start off with a clean slate after they fucked up some how

exactly its fuckin crutch for people that are weak as hell and cant admitt they are morally unstable .not mental

And stress is one of the biggest factors for that. BUT seeing that he is trying to compensate his own e-peen is not going to help in anything.

mods… please delete this post

+1, who gives a fuck. You guys are soft as fuck.
Who says this kid has issues? and that it’s not just a cover up? Fuck that. I don’t believe it.

now you are being kinda ridiculous bro

i should of realized sooner the dude had mental issues, the way he acted when he was backed into a corner and shit, came out with random info like girls he fucked and then police etc

if you dont see why we should take his mental disorders into account that really confuses me… because a father , more so than the average single guy, should know better when it comes to kids and mental issues

hes only 18, still a kid, with a disorder or two or three

and hes very likely to slip into depression over some bullshit like this, like i said i dont want that kind of shit resting on my conciseness (spelling?)

shit ,this is his sisters and his kid ,


You’re pulling some 50 Cent shit right now Singh.

Unless this information is coming from a credible source, anyone OTHER than the OP, there is no reason to think otherwise. I could give a fuck about this faggot. He can play with other people lives, defaming all of these girls in front of thousands of people, but the minute his shit starts to go south we need to soften up? Bullshit. For every cause there is an effect. This is the effect. If he dosen’t like it he does not need to read it.

As much as i agree that he is a pussy theres just something fucked up about kicking someone when theyre already down.

at 18 i was in jail ,cause of my ISSUES mostly drowned by drugs and such .guess what when peeps kicked me down i got back up stronger out of all the shit thats happened to me when i was younger "we all know to a point amy way so im not postin again " i could o and peeps would of said i dont blame him .its all in what ya do for yourself .the main reason peeps are as fucked as they are cause of one simple thing THERE PUSSIES WITH NO BACKBONE . now im not talkin about the :retardclap,ta know the real noseknockers but fags like this :wtf

+1, I think Rubino said it earlier in the thread. You guys give people 2nd chances way to easily.
Fuck, anyone with a head on their shoulders would cry to someone saying they have all sorts of problems and pull the “sad puppy” to get people to feel bad for them.

+1 million… all the shit ive posted in this thread is 100% true right from one of the girls on that lists mouth

thanks to my ridiculous facebook research pwnage and people skills (lol) i managed to have a few rolling convos right now with people who knew / know him from way back and actually got some fucked up stories and what not

plus i was so caught up in all this i didnt stop to realize his reactions are so obvious, i have someone in the family with a mental disorder and i have alot of experience in understand how they deal with situations and all that shit, and this kid does it all textbook

shut up whenever thx

u too, i looked into it more than you have im pretty confident he has a real problem with lying and a few other things

you are soft as fuck… dont e thug dude, im just trying to throw some legitimate shit out so u guys can understand why he did what he did

and he didnt come to me with this info i got it from other people

im not telling u guys to stop laughing, go ahead, keep the thread rolling, make fun of a disabled dude… word up !

QFT. I have used this excuse many times in order to break up with a girl.

" I just need to get my head straight " etc etc

im not quite gettin what your tryin to say about my post ?

hes a compusive liar… thats not a legal excuse

He’s not disabled, Singh, I like you man you’re cool…but you’re being a fag right now. I think of all people you shouldn’t tell John to “shut up”. Mother fucker went to jail for years and you’re gonna tell him what’s up? really? I bet you have no idea what that’s like to live what John’s lived through. Actually, nah, you rap son, you know the life.