Racing Helmets ?

The rule of thumb in motocross/snocross is.

If you have a $100 head, buy a $100 helmet.

Helmets only have to MEET DOT and SNELL approval… Higher end companys like HJC,FLY,SHOEI ect… well surpass the expectations.

I would think a motorcycle helmet would work just fine… After all Tom Mets (monster truck driver) wore a motocross helmet and I’m sure that leauge has a helmet rule

Yes, and they look bitchin’, and they have excellent ventilation! Again, get the highest safety rating you can get.

Thanks guys , I ended up buying the G Force 1 M2005 vrom Viper 966, thanks man, and thanks to everyone who put their input on this.

How is it?

fuckin awsome,

I can see how the full face could become a little hot after a while though, it’ll be fine though

Way to buy it out from under me, asshole. JKJK :slight_smile:

With the windows down I doubt it’ll be too bad.

if you ever plan on doing NASA racing or anything skip the open face helmets, theyre as good as a paperweight. also if you plan on NASA get the auto helmet since it has fire protection but it costs a lot more. if you own a bike helmet some places will let you use it, but dont buy a car helmet for riding a bike, most of them are illegal on bikessince the visibility is reduced

lol, you want want the black anyway, and I hope it isnt that bad, it shouldnt be, anthony drove around tonawanda with it on, lol, seemed fine

lol, you want want the black anyway, and I hope it isnt that bad, it shouldnt be, anthony drove around tonawanda with it on, lol, seemed fine

LOL, I can picture him doing that. You’ll be fine if everyone else does it too.

I should PM dmoffitt about his…

Yes do, thats ones pretty nice

I can’t understand why anyone would wear an open face helmet. Do you like your face? Many people probably hate your face, but you probably prefer it the way it is and not all fucked up.

Yeah I think they look kinda gay too, but that not the point, and although I do not plan on hitting a wall or something, I would want my face to be protected, that why I bought a full face