the thing about a bike helmet is that it is not flame retardent. so if you start to burn so will your helmet and visor.
what you want is a sa2000 or above helmet rating for automotive use.
ill sell you my bell GTX but like you stated above it might be out of your price range
lesson is a Ma2000 or m2000 rating helmet it not fire retardent so if for some reason you cant get out and you start to burn your eyes will thank you when the visor melts into them.
You can get a really nice Bell helmet from in Newmarket. The base closed face helmet is 410CAD SA-05. Or go check out Cycle world in Toronto, and get yourself a snell 2000 cert helmet for around 250.
Just go to Cycleworld or whatever. I went there for mine back in 04. Was $150 or something. Can easily get them to lower the price a bit. It doesn’t have to be the prettiest of helmets cause you’ll be in your car. You just want something with a big eye hole.