has any one personally tried or know anyone who has the new cobra
xrs-r7 just wondering. O and before i get the cobra sucks, I already know this thanks( i have an escort).
well things do change and i since its a brand new line up i was just wondering thanks for your helpful comment!
only bel sti, escort passport 8500 or better and V1 are worth using. Everything else is trash imo. I own a passport 8500 x50 and used to own a cobra and have used my friends whistler and both were lousy. Stick to the bel/passport/v1
v1 or go home
I have not used any Cobra detectors because based on all of the reviews, it wasn’t worth my time.
no radar detector and still clean! :headbang:
knock on wood
I had a cobra one of the newer models… gave it to my brother when I bought the V1 he got a speeding ticket with it last week… said it was crap and just gave him a false sense of security…