radiator fan not working...overheating

ok so i got my car running and shit and i get it around town to pick some things up. i get home and my coolant resevoir lid is popped off and theres smoke coming from the bottle and i hear sizzling. on top of there being next to no coolant in it since i forgot to refill it after accidentaly draining some of it a while ago, i noticed my radiator fan NEVER turned on before. i dont know why, i checked all fuses and i checked the connection and all have power. now why wouldnt the rad. fan work?

if you can shed some light on this situation that’d be really helpful since this car HAS to be on the road in good working order by thursday or im fucked.


the fan relay. its most likly shot.

What car??

i changed the fan relay as well.

JDMSIR- its my talon, i never ended up getting that other honda. i’m gonna buy a nice winter car closer to winter time.

maybe its not… “Dont buy honda’s they start on fire”

maybe its… “Dont forget to refill your coolant because your car will start on fire”

the honda had coolant in it.

and this is a completely different car.


fuck it, tie it to an ignition source with new relay and be done.

it could be the wiring or the fan temp sensor (usually independant of the engine tem sensor, so even if your gauge works, the fan sensor could be shot)

could also be the ecu. try turning on the AC. the fan should go on.

i turned on the defroster and the fan kicks on, but it wont turn on by its self. i’ll probably wire it in to the ignition this weekend if i cant figure it out

thanks newman.


i turned on the defroster and the fan kicks on, but it wont turn on by its self. i’ll probably wire it in to the ignition this weekend if i cant figure it out

thanks newman.


probably the temp sensor. On my nissan, it was right in the radiator.

so do you think new fans are the way to go?

i was thinking about the slim fans for more room anyways

not new fans, new temp sensor. if the fan turns on, it’s obviously fine.

oh alright. i’m going to check it out after work. if thats the case i’ll probably have to order one tomrrow after i get paid.


the honda had coolant in it.

and this is a completely different car.



it was a joke… :banghead:

If there was a large enough air bubble in the system from the overflow being dry it’s possible the temp sensor for the fan wasn’t even seeing high temps.

As for your sig, it should read:
“Don’t buy Honda’s, they catch on fire; buy a DSM since they don’t run long enough to get hot enough to catch on fire.” :slight_smile:


As for your sig, it should read:
“Don’t buy Honda’s, they catch on fire; buy a DSM since they don’t run long enough to get hot enough to catch on fire.” :slight_smile:


its settled then.

Thermostat stuck closed?

^^^ could be that too

i’ll check everything out in a little bit and let ya know whats up.

thx for the help everyone

theKID- i figured, i was just being my usual dick self :smiley:

and jayS- LOL truth.