Rainbow 6 Vegas

Title: NB32 ID: n3zp8 Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Status: Normal
Progress: Completed Finished
More Info: URL http://uk.gamespot.com/xbox360
NFO: No NFO attached.

Ill be playing in a about an hour :slight_smile:


kevin im coming over to get a copy!!!

ugh…this games rules so hard


ill be online tonight after the game for those who have it

hey! if you like tactical! Arma:Armed Assault is damn good for PC…dont know what you play on…and for COD4 there are tactical servers on PC

even though today is the “ship date”, do any local retailers have vegas2 in today??

who knows.

when the ship date is for tues…stupid stored wont put them out til wed.

i would call around, you may get lucky.

call around GEE—OFF…

the game RULEZ

yeah i’ve called a few places… no luck :frowning:

yay im good

will have to keep an eye out. need to trade insome games too

if you find any post up on here where you found it!

i hate that eb puts a ship date and not the release date on their sites. It is such a waste.

^^ most stores do it.

it sucks cause they HAVE the game in stock…probably in the back, but wont sell until the next day.

lol, the kid who answered the phone at family video when greenbull called said that “he was waiting for it too, bro”

bestbuy, walmart(s), gamestop, target all don’t have it till tomorrow - as expected. oh well

mod your box, have it a week early :slight_smile:

I was thinking about it… but do you guys still have Live access with modded xboxes?

yep, not one issue with live.

Then mabye we can teach aaron a new map to play instead of the same one over and over :stuck_out_tongue:

Ugghhhh… waiting bloooooows.