rally cross results.

Our 1st rally cross came to a close. a decent turnout considering the weather. 22 car turnout split between 4 classes. Only 1 rwd car showed, a third gen camaro, so he was lumped in with the fwd all motor cars.

got a total of 4 runs in, toss out the worst time. if you went off track or broke, dnf for time.

results (and car info if i remember it–fill me in if i’m wrong) are the following

2wd all motor

car number/name/ car type if known/ 4 runs/ overall time

  1. 00 Mike Sailor Karbowsky, 93 civic ex, 50.223/48.087/46.397/47.639- 142.123
    2.976 Russ Whipping-boy Rosendale- vw mk2, 48.789/51.831/47.709/46.991-143.487
  2. 223 Ben Edwards- 5th gen hatch, 49.456/49.613/47.313/50.867-146.382
  3. 01 Mark Brown- 3rd Gen Camaro, 51.181/50.015/49.598/48.651-148.264
  4. 666 Sean Teets- 90 Civic Wagon, 50.086/dnf/50.467/50.4747- 151.027
  5. 03 Anthony Staropoli- Saturn, dnf/55.162/51.872/51.020- 158.054
  6. 13 Bryan Morlock- Dodge K car, 51.411/62.671/69.712/51.980- 166.062

2wd Turbo

  1. 20 Ryan Buechel, Dodge Shadow50.316/47.879/46.292/46.035- 140.206
  2. 4 Joe fmfkid Fisher, 5th gen hatch, 48.109/49.045/48.376/48.867- 145.352
  3. 64 Brad Diess, Neon srt-4, 50.176/50.046/47.660/48.228- 146.064
  4. 47C Robin Bank, Subaru Loyale, 52.093/50.954/dnf-> Broke no time
  5. 47C Ted Hamilton, Subaru Loyale, 54.372/51.272/dnf/-> broke no time

4wd All Motor

  1. 0 John Kramer, 95? Impeza, 44.943/44.506/43.490/42.233 - 130.229
  2. 66 Morgan McLane, 95 ? Impreza,45.449/45.055/46.009/44.100-134.604
  3. 9 J. Smith, 95? Impreza, 47.870/45.177/44.875/45.988 - 136.04
  4. 37 Roy Wendell, 90 Audi 80Q, 58.254/50.514/49.590/47.328 - 147.432
  5. 73 Sean Bannerjee, 90 Audi 80Q, 60.920/51.060/49.985/48.623- 149.668

4wd Turbo

  1. 12 Mike Ursic, Subaru WRX??, 45.399/44.864/42.985/44.068 - 131.917
  2. 555 David Whetzel, Subaru Impreza, 53.870/45.368/44.698/44.079- 134.145
  3. 442 George Bezel, Audi 1.8T dnf/ 47.927/46.764/47.119 - 141.81
  4. 21 Eric Byran, Subaru WRX, 49.026/dnf/47.719/46.943/- 143.688
  5. 2 Shawn Buttermore, Subaru Impreza, dnf/ ROLLED CAR :frowning:

sorry was to cold for us old folk,hopfuly next time,sounds great!

awesome glad you there was a turnout. hopefully warmer weather i will come down to spectate

track was hard packed–fast as hell. Was kicking up dust. weather was cold, which hurt attendance.

had a blast sailor looking forward to attending more…& i got videos of u guys too

dam u wont move.i couldnt see over u!!:kekegay:

post it up. im off to eat.


p.s.-- any video of butter’s rolling his impreza?

nope must have been another short guy… :bigok:

no thats The ONLY one i didnt get, i’m pissed…i was turn’n the camera on to tape him and he rolled i was pissed i didnt get it…

was he aight tho ?

is that THE whipping boy from the X? cause i see that its a Vdub and i know he is all about them

good stuff had alot of fun thanks again it was sick

cant wait to go again

yea that was the whipping boy

I got 3rd place in fwd n/a. It was a lot of fun. It would have been a lot better if it wasnt snowing and below zero. I was inpressed with the track, it was well put together by sailor and many others. Thanks again for something worth driving an hour for! If any one has pictures of my dark grey hatch that would be sweet. thanks

is it the all stock lookn 1 with fog lights ?, cuz i videod alot of the cars tonight

Yep, Its the stock one with fog lights. my email is benmaster11 at hotmail.com . send it over to me when you get the chance, no rush. thanks

Salor did an awsome job on the track,

Everyone kept cutting the one corner and getting better times, we need like a car tire there so they cant bypass that turn…

I had fun beating up my car

dont hesitate to take your car there is pretty much the same as a autoX only alot more for giving on the dirt

o yea
20 Ryan Buechel, Dodge Shadow 50.316/47.879/46.292/46.035- 140.
He said he never had so much fun, he really enjoyed it

He wasnt even going to race… Good thing you talked him into it. he owes you some of his winnings.

im really mad i missed this had to much crap to do today. Def cout me in for the next and expect a huge turnout because im bringing some peoples.

i wanted to go, but i’m not getting my car back until monday.

it sure looked like u were having fun out there… :rofl: