Rally NY 2005 *fiddy-six-k death*

kewl pics…work owned me… I AM A WANKER!

Anyone wanna play a quick,exciting game of “Where’s Itagaki”???
(and anyone who was at the event is NOT allowed to play :stuck_out_tongue: )

And might I suggest that everyone go look at the galleries from this site(if you haven’t already)
Thanks Xman for jarring my memory for the link.

i got ftp if you need it…

Zwarbyt, you should check your PMs, I sent the upload info. Hit me on AIM if you have problems, I’ll be up late.

im jealous… looks like good times as usual :tup:

i’ll UL tonight when i get back to the hotel

no do it now, i want to see all the pics, esp the one of your penis in my bum

These are some awesome pics :tup:

Am i the only one who thinks chrissie beavis is hawt?

she’s not after you talk to her.

She wanted my ///M hat… and i gave it to her. I wanted something in return, but i didn’t get it. (.)(.)

  1. Can’t belive you gave up that hat

  2. Shes got big ol titties

I told you to negotiate the trade before you gave her the hat… :shrug:
Plus her hottness is partially due to the fact that she’s big into a form of motorsports. I’m with Josh on this one, nothing special once you talk to her.

Definitely the rally girl factor improves her a bit. Same deal with anatalie richard, although i dont think i want a broad who hangs out with her brother all the time.

where did this take place?

looked like fun, nice pics :tup:

c’mon zwarbbz… you steal my pictures and don’t post them. ugh. FOOKING WANKER!

Josh… you lose 5000 pimp points for giving up the //M3 hat to a skirt…

For this I ashame of you!!

I feel like I don’t even know you anymore.

What’s even worse is that I gave him FTP space in my gallery :stuck_out_tongue:

stfu i tried to UL them and my connection @ the hotel is like 20k a second, not good for 1.4 gigs of pics and vid… tmw night

you got jipped dawg… :slight_smile:

actually i think they have some sort of limiter, because in the beggining of tnight i was pulling 4-500k, then when i started uploading the speed kept dropping slowly

teh ghey