Its all a master plan. The team is gonna eventually be worse than the Lions when they inherit it so it has no value. They pay taxes on a worthless team and the girls use their hidden connections to bring talent and attention to the new buffalo bills.
After hearing this, my friend went off and said that ralph will die this year, his daugthers will raffle off the team to some canadians and turn them into the toronto bulls and have doug fluties autistic son play QB.
Jeffrey Littmann, Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer, is the person that is supposed to be taking over the team after Mr. Wilson passes. One small problem though. he doesn’t have the bank to buy the team from the Wilson family. Mr Wilson has one other daughter that is involved with the team. Neither of the two daughters that work for the Bills have interest in running if once Mr. Wilson passes.
Wilson daughters don’t want the team + guy who has option to take it over can’t afford it = sale of team.