Jim Kelly - new owner of Bills?

its possible…

He would need a group of investors. The NFL doesn’t like group purchases.

yea and really old news

Yup. There is no fucking way he could afford to buy it for himself. And it wasn’t exactly hidden that he has been trying to gather investors in recent years so that he can keep the team here if Wilson dies and the team leaves.

The NFL would no-way in hell allow him to purchase a team, even with a group of investors. It’s easier to sway decisions upon a team’s owner when it’s just one guy. Plus you need BILLIONS in working capital.

I understand that. I’m just saying that his intentions are well known.

I honestly don’t see this team leaving. At least I’m praying they don’t…

They will. I’m okay with that. I’ll just start rootin’ for the Giants.

haha. FUCK THAT.

I wonder if all the commentators I hear saying that playing in the Ralph is quite a bit different than other places because of the fans is true.

when did beck get so business savvy? lol

Apparently he made a deal with the devil (AKA Howie) to get back on NYSpeed, and that came with the agreement.

Since I started shitting instead of just sitting on the pot. :mamoru:

There were a few stipulations when Howie came to me. This was not one of them. However, there was a gram or two of coke involved.

I believe it. Ever see that guy drink? lol

so you blew coke off each others boners and called it even?

ontopic, i heard about this a while ago. channel 4 did a special on it and they even said golisano is looking to buy them too.

packers are owned by investors… but that was a long time ago that they were bought

EDIT - they are owned by the community (investors).

And are the only non-profit professional sports team in the US apparently. Interesting.

After Golisano’s experience with the Sabre’s I highly doubt he’d be willing to sink million’s into another Buffalo franchise. Forget that their market value has increased 75%, he has a political agenda now. Not to mention, to lock up millions into a football franchise in a shaky economy is a bad business move. He got the Sabre’s cheap. He won’t get the Bills that way.

ship em to TO at least we wont have to worry about blackouts :gotme:

A real long time ago. The NFL loves people like Jerry Jones because as far as the NFL is concerned…he cares more about winning than a corporation or group of people who would care more about share holders and monetary values. NFL ownership groups are limited to 25 people, and the majority owner has to own 30%. That’s a lot of cheese.

yeah i read somewhere that no one who actually invested in the team ever made any money lol