Random Picture Thread

JayS how much shutter delay and what ISO?

been trying my hand at some photography. Went for a hike with the dog.




^That second pic has a lot of potential. I like it. Do any post editing?


nope, I am a huge noob

want the original?

If you want, I’ll mess with it.

that would be cool. I have photoshop CS3, but I am not really sure which adjustments I should make.

gonna have to wait till tonight.

That’s fine.

send it to… pda2@buffalo.edu

I use the D40’s auto ISO mostly, so it adjusted to 560 according to the exif data. 2.5 seconds shutter delay.

For future reference I never strip the exif data from my pics, so if you save them then do a right click properties you should be able to see all the settings under the summary tab in windows.

Slightly hung over + not wanting to do any work outside this afternoon = me playing with the camera.

^^^ that last one…very nice… thanks for the new wallpaper

Here’s the original resolution, probably better for a wallpaper.

I’m going to play around with this a little more when I have more time. I just set this up real quick in my sink using an eye dropper, a purple tupperware lid, and a sheet of printer paper for the background. The hand held dropper made it impossible to get two drops to hit the same spot which is how you can get some really cool looking freeze frame shots.

Winter/putting cars away sucks.


These remind me that I need a new camera.

Leaving for Vegas in a few weeks, and it reminded me i took these last year when i went.





i dig that 3rd one

My take on that one.

Didn’t want to change that much. Just some color stuff really to help the yellows come out more. I liked the composition for sure.

This is neat. Where did you do this?

Heh… My kitchen sink with a single piece of printer paper as the background.

Purple tupperware lid filled with water balanced on the top of a drinking glass that was leveled with a wooden spoon. Water drops from an eye dropper I held about 2 feet over the lid. I had about 30 minutes to kill and wanted to see how it would turn out. I was happy enough with the results that I’m going to rig something up that gives me a little more control of the speed of the drips and the aiming when I have some free time.

wow, looks a whole lot better, thanks a lot man!


Email full-size back?