Random Picture Thread

i really like these.
what are you taking them with?
any changes or are these original?

Ah crap. I accidentally deleted it. If I get time I’ll re-edit and send it to ya.

ahh damn, if it doesn’t take too long. Otherwise, don’t worry about it.

Bringing this pic back from the dead. Spragues for the MFW, Close to where i grew up!

Here are a few of mine, still learning so be gentle

Ithaca Falls

SAD Autocross

Wedding i “worked” with my sister as the 2nd shooter

^she’s like “fuck” im married

I really don’t like going to weddings and before I got into this hobby we seemed to have at least 2 a summer. Now that I’m actually looking forward to going to a wedding just for the photography aspect none of our friends/relatives are getting married.

PS: Kenlude, love the falls shot.

I hear ya JayS. I hate weddings… mine was “ok” if i had to be there. But now i look forward to doing more.

Man does photobucket “crap” on the uploads… :banghead:

Thanks on the Falls shot its a Fav of mine too.

here are a few more

Another Falls shot

Out Deap Sea fishing off Cape Cod :sunrise:

Chitzna Itza (sp)

Bully Hill Vinyard Original vine

Salens 6hrs of the Glen

With all the money you’re spending on camera equipment spend $25 a year on a flickr pro account.

Or your own hosting :smiley:

JayS I like that purple the lid put into that water shot. :tup:

Thought about just buying some hosting space, but then it’s one more thing I have to work on. Flickr has some great uploading/management tools, it’s easy for my family to browse to see pictures of the kid, and it just works.

Very true it is a little more complicating, but they do have software you can install to make it easy for you.

Still more complicating than flickr, I guess its just the side of me that hates to use sites like flickr.

For $25/yr I don’t have any problems with them. Organization, nice viewer, ability for people to subscribe, the community, unlimited uploads… you get a lot for $25.

resolution restrictions? size restrictions? or Quota?

From their terms:

  • Unlimited photo uploads (20MB per photo)
  • Unlimited video uploads (90 seconds max)
  • Unlimited storage
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Unlimited photosets
  • Archiving of high-resolution original images
  • The ability to replace a photo
  • Post any of your photos or videos in up to 60 group pools
  • Ad-free browsing and sharing
  • View count and referrer statistics

Hard to beat all that for $25 a year. And their uploader tool is pretty slick. You can create your groups right from the tool, select which upload to which groups, multiple groups etc. Set if photos are private or public ect ect.

here’s a few of my fav’s i’ve taken. far from a pro, always welcome to C&C


I’m not sure whose car this is but I hope they see this picture.

First off I’m sorry if this page turns into a huge scroll fest. Time to warm up those Mouse wheels, I have quite a few pictures from tonight.

Another thing, I would like to say, RAW format kicks soo much ass. I thought I was shooting in black and white all night long… I was wrong, its all in color, the camera just processes it in the view finder to appear as RAW, when you off load it into say… lightroom. its back to the color it should be. I wanted black and white so when I exported them to JPG, the color was stripped. :tup: RAW.

Basically the night started out with the lady friend doing nothing but writing some stupid paper, soo I had my camera, and some serious free time (I like to call this Micah time, ILISM)

I think Everyone one of the pictures I have some kind of gripe about, but I guess you can’t improve if you don’t critique…

And The subject for most of the pictures. While in hawaii they had some fucked up statues in sex positions so I had to buy one. 2 years later, it gets some time on the camera. I also used an Ordinary desk lamp for these shots to give them some directional lighting, or just more lighting.

The Subject: Just a quick snap didn’t care about anything being right


The Enemy: Mr Pig - Gripe: Walls are a very neutral grey. Either a black, or white background would have been much better to have a contrast…


The Ordinary Desk lamp - Quick shot at like 1/3200th shutter, ISO 100 testing the limits. of the camera I guess.


This next one came up Absolutely AWESOME on the 2 inch LCD, when I looked at it on the computer… Not so much :frowning: I don’t even know where to begin… out of focus… and the subject just looks shitty. I’m embarassed to put it up on here but it was a great lesson learned that “IF its great on the LCD, it still might suck!”


The iPhone Picture lol - I really like the contrast, and everything about it… I don’t like the dust and scratch or two on the phone :frowning:


Another iPhoner - you can see the scratch in the face of it :frowning:


Abstract - Yard Glass + on the lamp = cool desktop background. Really no gripes here. I like it


Abstract - The Yard glass again light shining through it, really dirty, but consistently dirty again another one that I liked.


Abstract - Through the side of the lamp.


Back to the Subject - Staring into the light. The second of the two… I wish the subject was a little cleaner :frowning: As for the first one … the focus… It should be crystal clear on the eye…


Loose Change…


Some individuals… The entire coin faces… should be clear… :frowning:


Nickel with a little angle…


This 2 hour session was a HUGE Learning experience. I haven’t had a chance to just set up small scenes, it really showed me a lot about different props you can use to get a pretty sweet picture.

The only changes I did to these pictures where exposure adjustments. I think some I accidentally adjusted picture temp, which it did seem to boost contrast in areas, which i felt was really really cool.

i really like the first staring into the light, nice work man

Nice dan, :tup: to RAW, its the only thing I shoot in anymore (when I shoot that is :banghead:)

Dan, how much did you bump the contrast for these shots?

One thing to remember is that when you go from color->grayscale there are a lot of colors that find themselves in the midrange of that white-black scale so the contrast needs to be brought up MUCH more than normal in order to bring more clarity and distinction to the lines that make up the image. I like the images, but maybe slightly more contrast will help them a bit more.

Also when using a wall or anything else as a backdrop, bringing the subject further from the wall will wash out the detail within it. In the piggy bank (i’m guessing. this is my fav pic of the bunch), and statue pictures, you can clearly see the detail in the wall which distracts the viewer from the subject.

My $.02. I like the images though. :tup: I like the coin ones a lot.