random stuff for sale!!

you dont need an allowance with the crap you pull! :finger:

I want the phone?

what model is it?

:kekegay: you want candy…then stfu lol

yea…it was wrong…but kinda funny at the same time

wouldn’t getting a job take away his “thug” status lol and last time i heard he was the shop biatch up at FB…:wackit:

its a sgh-t309 model

Number 1 calls Big Bird
Number 2 calls Burt and Ernie
Number 3 calls Cookie Monster
All the other buttons Dispense Generic M&M’s

paul is funny.



i thought number 4 calls barney???

Geez, Barney isn’t on Sesame Street. You disappoint me… :smiley:

I guess the pro active is not for sale?

I think u all are jealous of smeider. I mean who wouldn’t want to be able to cook a burger or pizza with just a match n a quik wipe of ur face with a paper towel!

you guys trashed his f/s thread,

anyway dont sell the phone where do u live

^^in shaler…wats ur number i will call u and tell u hiw to get here

first off my face aint that greasy and second are u that FUCKIN DUMB u cant cook a pizza in grease u fuckin idgit go DIAF…U R A CANCER TO SOCIETY!!!:madfawk:

