Rant About America v.My trip to Uruguay

I’ve been home for 3 days now, and holy shit. As unpleasant as it was I think that last trip has really done me some good. Montevideo wasn’t that bad (although the rest of the country was) but it’s just that at home I have it so fucking good. I can run to the store and get all kinds of healthy food. I can drive knowing that the odds are pretty good that everyone else will drive reasonably within the limits of the law. I know that if I get into just about any sort of trouble that I can’t handle, a quick phone call to 911 and my government will bail me out. I can go to work knowing that I have the right to work in a safe environment and if it’s not safe I can demand that my employer make it reasonably so without worrying about losing my job. I feel like I have a lot more potential than what will be used at my current job so I am looking for something better, I’m not stuck with nowhere to go. If I think there is something wrong with my government I can write a letter or go down to city hall and burn a flag on the front steps.

Sorry, I don’t mean to preach on and on and it’s not like Uruguay is THAT bad. It just feels so good to be home that I have a new appreciation. I hope I never get used to living here.