Rapist gets raped...by his Father

x posted from my sportriders.org reply to the article :smiley:

I don’t see any fault in the guys reaction. If someone violated my kids in such a way, I do not know how i would respond.

i would presume that individual would have an accident. It would not do my family anygood if i were in jail too.

its simple… treat others as you would like to be treated.
it is one of the most basic rules to society… If you can not
follow that, then you need to reconsider your contributions to society.
if they are mentally incapable, then maybe we are better off without them.

the only argument I have for an eye for an eye punishment is that
there are times when innocent people are accused.

society sucks. we are raising a nation of wimps who would rather befreind those that have taken the freedoms of others than beat the shit out of them.
(but i’m not bitter )