Rapist gets raped...by his Father

nah. the “status quo” you speak of is a bunch of outspoken e-thugs who wouldn’t have done SHIT in real life. It takes a sick twisted fuck to shove a pole up some guy’s stink-hole, almost as sick, admitedly, as the fuck who screws his 8-year-old step sister, but still. That doesn’t make it better, it just makes you a bit… :gay: for raping a man.

ew? you have issues. :crap:

(besides liking Mazdas)



Thats how real justice is supposed to work.
Fucking scumbag will never do anyhting like that again.
A few years in jail would have just made this rapist more violent in future rapes.

^ is that how you got your username?
oh look, ironic username notwithstanding, that dude that always posts really violent angry shit about everything is a supporter of vigilante justice. what a shock.

this all sounds well and good when you’re in an e-cock fest over who can sound the most masculine and testosterone-charged, but if you really want to see society still on that level head to the congo or something.
or at least its usa equivalent.

No, I know most sex offenders get mandatory minimum sentences close to, and have much stricter restrictions after prison than, murderers. Released or not, once they’re registering it might as well be a life sentence for all intents and purposes.

let somebody rape your first born

^ Theres a constructive argument

LOL. You obviously dont see the point people supporting this guy are making. Come out from behind your white picket fence, suburbanite pussy, and watch the real world unfold before you.

YOU think them registering as a sex offender is IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM SIMILAR to a life sentence???

Wow. That retarded statement just earned you total loss of credability as far as im concerned.
If this event took place in Europe or anywhere close to where Im from this rapist would never be heard from or seen again. Having any compassion for a scumbag that rapes/sodomizes some innocent child is disgusting. People who think like you make me sick.

And here, ladies and gentlemen, is a prime example of why this nation of pussies is getting over run and is going down the toilet.

:word: I bet the little bastard will think twice next time. If that happened to my lil sis or if i ever have a kid one day i’d probly do the same thing if not worse. A slap on the hand just isnt good enough, eye for an eye

if i were as successful as i wish i was i would donate the $$$ for this guys legal defense.

however, if it were me i would have understood that legally i would have been better off to beat the kid near to death when i caught him with my daughter in the heat of the moment rather than pre-meditated assault after the fact.

Acting on impulse is where it’s at.

Second thoughts, Second rate.

I agree that the guy deserves to go to jail but i 100% understand what he did and would not think any less of him as a man, in fact, even more so for defending his daughter. I bet as fucked up as his daughter will be she will always know that her father has her back for damn sure.

if the guy worked for me i would have his job waiting for him when he gets out and maybe even a promotion. You need people like taht around you who have a sense of compassion

Also, same as with the ‘fight’ thread… if you cant literally identify with the father and appreciate what he did then you simply havent had anything in your life compromised like the innocence of your 8 year old daughter.

i’d like to see someone try to rationalise with me that i should let the legal system deal with a guy who does something similar to someone like my sister.

I’d take a pipe to your ass just for being so ignorant right before i take a pipe to the rapist’s ass… and then i’d make you watch the sense of satisfaction i get from doing it… clockwork mother fucking orange

I would have killed the guy to tell you the truth.

I would have beaten the crap out of him, but not shoved a pipe in his ass.

Instead I would have shoved a funnel in his ass, and poured a whole skew of African army ants into his ass. Then possible release a bunch of killer bees in the house as I left. I would also handcuff him to the wall so he couldn’t escape.

Question: If he then died would I be charged with murder? I mean I didn’t kill him the bees did.

Oh, if you don’t agree with the dad I hate you and your a gay.


For all you people who said i was SO WRONG for saying that the father was a retard, consider this:

A girl who is now probably going to be a little fucked up for life is NOW going to grow up with a father in prison, and is only going to become more fucked up because of it.

If he REALLY loved his daughter that much, he would realize that being THERE for her would be of far more benefit than being in JAIL for her.

This guy couldn’t get his emotions in check. He’s a retard. I am not saying it to get a rise out of anyone, i genuinely believe it. I am not defending the 18y/o kid. While he DESERVES to have a pipe shoved up his ass, the father should not have been the one to execute this.

he wont go to jail very long…

maybe a couple years, low security, his daughter will visit…

she’ll likely be distorted for sure, but most women are nowadays anyways




Most realistic post in this thread. You walk in, see him doing this, beat the living piss out of him. Then in court you plead temporary insanity and let your lawyer take care of the rest.

Now that’s justice… I would have skipped the beating if I used that technique.

but… i also agree with newman

yeah what would I know…my dad only works for the parole board dealing with the sex offenders when they get out of prison or sent back.
Registering is really more like house arrest…Good luck getting any kind of normal job when you have to declare that. Not to mention:
No HBO or any movie channels allowed on your TV
No internet
No contact with anywhere you’d expect to find children
One 6-8 hour day of group classes every week
Ostracized by society
and the list goes on.

I wasn’t sympathizing with the kid, and he deserves something shoved up his ass. In prison, he may just get that. I was just pointing out that there are avenues to handle this type of situation short of premeditating and actually carrying it out after the fact, further screwing up your daughter’s life. If he would have beaten him and done it immediately in the act, even killed him in the process, I could understand it, as his daughter was literally in danger. But to pick him up and have this whole elaborate torture plan just shows that the father’s mindset was just as dangerous as the son’s.

shoulda used a 12guage, No witnesses, no problem

Since your daddy is in the business… you of all people should know how fucking disgusting all of the people that are a product of that system are. Apparently you are not. A person I know was actually dating a convicted child molester… who was and still is a registered sex offender… but nobody knew until one day I got a notice in the mail that had his picture on it. WTF is that? Believe me when I say this guy was living the most normal life possible… as free as anyone I know. The system you speak of is either not the law ( a small portion of sex offenders actually have to abid by these rules ) or completely blind to the fact that these people still live normal lives.

I know where newman is coming from… he is like the posterboy for not having a strong father figure in the household ( wow )… BUT this 18yr old would never have gotten the equivalent to a bat to the face and a pipe in the ass in jail. Everyone knows it. I know first hand after speaking to the previously mentioned sex offender.

Like I said, you surprise me. Being so close to the system, yet so blind. Premeditation is overrated. Think his daughter would rather have watched it happen at 8? Hopefully the father gets a slap on the hand, at least he raped a rapist…

if he had the time to go and retrieve his step son, he had the time to
think about how to take care of the problem.

i would try not jeapordize my future relationship with my daughter but I doubt people would blame me if I “made him walk home and he never made it”

accidents happen every day…

now, if that was the plan and the kid got away while the father was going to get some razor wire, then he screwed up. so, he is retarded for
screwing himself. i dont blame him for his actions, i blame him for his
lack of commitment.