Rare Z24 Cavalier on CL!

Some people… :doh:


What do you mean? It’s hot shit boy… there were only like 110,000 Z24s built…

“its a really fast car. last time i drove this car had it up to 110”

Daaaanggggg!!!1111 :rofl:


o my i dont think i have ever gone that fast :wackit:

:rofl: I had a 5spd 88 2.8 z it scooted pretty good.
wouldn’t say fast in a sentence, held its own when they where made


Surely he meant 210…right? Even I didn’t think 110 is fast. I used to hit that daily on the way to work so I’d have time to get coffee.

Whats so rare about it …It hasnt rusted away to shit yet or the fact it still runs ?

I bet he is pissed b/c he lost to a lumina so he’s selling it

wow my car has the same engine. does that mean it goes to 110 haha.

HAHAA z34’s smoke cavy’s and old c10’s all day!

I hope its not neon green… or wait did Fox have a z24?

Holy shit is that RARE… I guess it could be when you’re not on a college campus.

“does it have a HEMI!?” :kekegay:

3.1’s were one of the better 6cyl engines GM ever made

wtf are you talking aobut…GM 3.1 = V6

lol im still out of it from surgery and being in the hospital so long. cut me some slack lol.
yes V6

Z24’s run like rape dates.

whats rare are the grand am with the turbo 4 cyl

what happens when a rape date meets a raped ape? Cunundrums FTW

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