Rate your life 1-10

I :heart: the 2 min convos we have:op:

  1. love my life.

right now in portland drunk then driving accross the country krunked with a suitcase full of funn.

I do believe your posts mean the most to me…thanks for being an idiot :slight_smile: hehe

2… QV girls suck… depressed as hell, friends use to be close but are now jerks… all i have left is my car

8? never really thought about rating life. i just take life one day at a time. Cant really complain business is developing nicely. I enjoy what i do

-its very clear if you know me

good friends

would be a 10 if i could get even more pussy lol


hm… let see…

Pretty firm 5.
Starboy why is it 5? Well, Got a really nice girl, my friends always got my back. Things at home are great, love my Family. Pittspeed its taking off pretty damn well, getting alot of freelance is a +. School is kicking my ass, project wise, really haven’t been challenged there yet. I feel like im behind on everything (even though Im usually ahead), life, school, career wise. So I know what your saying all them are pretty positive why a 5? Car, I dont know where the fck my money goes but its not going towards my car. In my mind when I do have money, the stuff I want to do to the car is expensive, so I never end up buying anything. I would really have to say if my car was HALF of what i wanted it to be now… I would be at a 8-9. It just kills me that its not there, and I need to take the steps soon to get it there.

-Great Career
-Nice vehicles
-Lots of Friends
-401k & Roth
-Great Memories


8, I have alot of great things, but also a long way to go.

Yeah, I’m maxing the Roth and putting 10% of my gross in the 401k, plus some pathetic matching on top of my 10. But honestly, those don’t make my life much better right now. MAYBE they reduce stress because I know I’ll be good for retirement, but I’m not even sure I’ll live that long.


I would have to say a 6.5

I have nice things…cool car, own a house (well the bank does), few toys. I have a great Fiance, an awesome family. There are a few things I wish I could be better which are mostly career related…but overall I realize I am doing pretty well and am grateful for how things are…just want to continue to improve.


I have 2 kids and one more on the way. Due August 19th
I have a great wife who doesn’t have to work and can spend her time with the kids.
I have a good job that lets my wife stay home.
I have a decent house with a nice yard.

I have to work a little too many hours which is why it isn’t a 10/10.




my car life is about a


my life outside of cars is 8.

Easy fix…sell that pile of poo and buy a LSX powered car


I have no complaints

good career, cars, home, life etc etc