for illegal fuel.
Wow crazy.
hahahh/// he should be penalized more than that…frigg’n cheaters
you dont know anything about it dumbasses.
the rule was made when the classes were all 2 strokes because lead affects how much power you can get out of a 2-stroke. For a 4-stroke it doesnt matter. This is the third time it has been found in a top rider (JBS and CR). All amounts were insignificant. For instance, if you leave a unleaded gas can next to the diesel container in the truck its already contaminated.
I am soooo pissed.
The best series ever has become my worst as far as i am concerned.
rules are rules… and i think it does matter sure race gas is no good for stock 4 strokes but but for built ones thats a different story… and yes this does suck because this is the best rounds of supercross in a long long time
fuck ricky carmichael
I remember when Jeff Emig was caught running illegal fuel too.
u can say what u want about rc but he is the g.o.a.t.!!! greatest of all time
emig was the shit…carmichael is a-bout-a bitch
carmichael is soo cool. You ever meet him?
I didnt think so.
ps. who won last night?
wow fag i idalize you cause you met some red head fag motocrosser…never like hm never will. Met him in 98 at highpoint while we were throwing beer on him. And I’m sure you know him personally enough to determine his personality.
rc won last night…
get cooking
i am :naughty:
Your a typical high point partier wow. i guess that makes you the motocross expert. Come to get drunk and then leave before the second 250 moto is over.
Yeah I would say the best night ever in motocross is ricky carmichael night at lorettas. I doubt you would know about that though.
And I bet you are real fast on a bike.
I hate motocross…raced 125 C class when I was 18 and19, I used to run challenger all the time. I used to love it but now I don’t. I liked getting drunk at high point as a matter of fact I tripped my balls off there. Sorry you spoiled your trip by acting like motocross is your profession or something and had to stay sober during the races fag. They have been partying at motoX since the 70’s. I’m no expert. I’m not fast anymore. I still think RC is a-bout-a bitch and you won’t change my mind.
I dont race the nationals because the cost too much and you get zero laps. But I do go to them and party and support my brother who races pro. But im done talking about that since you know all the details about nationals.
wow zex accord is appriciated as much here as he is on what a fuck… rc is a great rider with out a doubt roles are roles though and if he cheated purposly or by accident its still cheating and deserves whatever he gets …
he doesn’t need to cheat to win