Are you sure it’s a 19" Plasma, and not an LCD? I’ve never seen a Plasma that small as they are VERY hard to make smaller, but easy to make bigger. LCD’s on the other hand are very easy to make small but more costly to make bigger.
I’d just like to say I have a 22’’ LCD screen and for the size its VERY decent… As long as you have a sound system to back up the little size its a great tv… and the price this guy is selling them for is just insane!
anyone else that is interested… put your name and offer… the best offers by JANUARY 5th, 2006 will be accepted, from there we can make arrangements for exchange. I was planning on keeping one for myself but because I could only get my hands on two and I’ve made all these promises… I’ll sell them both to you guys hoping I can get a few more in the near future.
EDIT: ALSO, no new sign-in’s to the board are qualified to be in on this deal… I don’t want to chase after you to sell you a brand new sony lcd at less than 1/4 of its retail price.