55" LCD HDTV Toshiba Regza Full 1080p 55ZV650U

Not exactly planning to sell it on shift but might as well give it a shot.

Its a great TV. Its in fantastic condition. I use it still now. It looks great its in fantastic working condition.

Not in a rush to sell it but if i get a good deal I can negotiate :smiley:

I dont have an asking price in mind yet but please nothing crazy low.

I am willing to trade it for a smaller set 42 or (46 or 52) and cash. So feel free.

edit: TV was manufactured January. And therefore still has the year warranty through toshiba.

I dunno… I guess


cheapest i have found this ANYWHERE is amazon a refurb for 989… And mine ISNT refurb so technically it should be worth more but I am willing to entertain an offer. Anything in mind please pm me.


ill keep it in mind. I was looking for 46" (hence paranthesis) in OP but Ill keep it in mind. Thanks

Ill give you 300

Make it 300 and a 500$ Coors light mirror and we can talk business :smiley:

bmp: going up on clist in a few days if it doesnt sell here :frowning:


bump: i just back to the area. I will sell TV for 800 flat. If interested let me know. TV still sells for about 1200 anywhere else

800$ is a great price :frowning: I wonder why noone on shift wants it… Lol :smiley: I am getting a bunch of responses from craigslist :frowning:

sold for a 47" lcd plus 150 :smiley:

because a refurb is really not much more, and refurbs ARE worth more than a used tv sitting in someones home, because they are completely checked out and are in working order and most of the time carry some extended warranty

anyways congrats on downgrading

I actually got a few offers of 800 cash via Clist but I preferred to downgrade in size. I cannot go without a TV for a period of time haha.

I am actually plan to downgrade again to a possible 42". I don’t think I can go any smaller than that though. Lets see :smiley:

So if anyway wants to upgrade from a 42" to a 47" let me know :smiley: I ll take 300$ and a 42". My LG 47" is 120hz 1080p. 4 hdmi ports etc etc… 47lh40

LCD’s are terrible. just my opinion :slight_smile:


I agree… But since I am moving in 2 months and will get rid of the TV anyway its easier to get and transport and sell back after I am done with it haha.

considering LED TV’s went from 3000$ for a 55" to 1400$ for a 55" within the past 1.5 years I think I might be getting an LED 55" as my next TV if I decide to stay in the states after college :smiley:

new plasmas are just as thin as LED’s are with a better picture, better refresh rate and a lot more realistic color to them. do et!

I prefer plasma for the same reasons as deadbearwrestler. The fact is that LED is just a form of backlight for an LCD panel. There is no such thing as an LED TV.

I LOVE plasma TV’s. My favorite was a Samsung 50" I had. Was the best I ever had. And they are cheaper for some weird reason too haha. Like 600 for a brand new 1080p Panasonic TV at 6th ave.

I was actually looking into the new Panasonic Plasma 3d Tv’s. They look VERY nice… But I am not a fan of having to wear glasses to watch TV

well with any 3D tv u will have to wear glasses. haha. its just another feature u will have at your finger tips incase u decide to go that route.

Bought the Toshiba 55 at ultimate a few days ago… list was 2200///reality was like 1400… but they were washing out the stock as new models are coming… $880.

I agree, Plasma looks better. This 55 has alllll the stats… but simply doesnt make your jaw drop.