Read any good books lately?

just listened to:,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01.jpg

Now can anyone find me some underachiever success stories?

It’s actually a good read/listen. There are not many superstar genius people. Mostly those that put a ton of work into something and had the right opportunities to capitalize on their work.

Ex. Bill gates started programming when he was 13 on a mainframe when colleges did not even have them.
He was one of the few people on the planet to have such unrestricted access.
Steve jobs used to work build HP’s and was able to take parts home.
Most great hockey players are born near the little kid hockey league cut off dates.

Just started reading JayZ’s book. Promptly stopped reading. Blah.

I’m working on Decision Points (Bush’s book) because I was hoping it would shed some light on the seemingly shitty shit of the last decade, but alas. The Bush years are about as fucked up as I thought.

Stephen Hawking’s The Grand Design was really good, and mesh’s surprisingly well with the spiritual stuff I’ve ready in Power of Now and My Stroke of Insight. :uhh:

I have trouble finding fiction I like. It’s a shame Michael Crichton died. :tdown:

My sister-in-law recommended the dalai lama’s Freedom in Exile. I may look for that once I finish decision points.

DMT the Spirit Molecule. super interesting

Oops I found it for free.

I’ll be reading that. Looks very interesting. And lol at where I found the ebook…

Just started listening to this one…,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01.jpg

Yep. He’s an asshole.

Anyone had hands on this? Looks interesting.

Everybody seems to be reading it because of the HBO series, but Games of Thrones is fantastic.

It’s not like most other fantasy novels at all, much more political and character driven. I just started rereading the series in anticipation of the release of the 5th book in July.

also, Benedict Arnold, Revolutionary Hero: An American Warrior Reconsidered
The book goes into the motivation for one of the Revolution’s greatest heroes turning traitor.

James Rollins new book The Devil Colony came out yesterday, so far it is pretty good.

Sure enough. These are really entertaining. I’m partway through the second book.

Good bump, I was thinking about bringing this back to the top.

Started reading this in our vacation house in Key West, once I got back I found it immediately:

Many books are “must reads” because they broaden readers’ perspectives, illuminating the varieties of human experience. Some of these books are pleasant and enjoyable, infusing the reader with a private smile and a bounce in the stride. Others hit you like a percussion grenade, leaving you quiet, dazed, tattered, and vaguely troubled, but wiser. My War Gone By, I Miss It So is one of these latter books. I would be lying if I told you I enjoyed the experience of reading this book, but I would also be lying if I said I regretted a minute of it. It simply is a damn good book, and if you are at all interested in wars and why they keep happening, you really should read it.

No doubt. I just finished State of Fear and added hardcovers of Next and Prey to my library.

I just read Motley Crue The Dirt, good book. I’m going to pick up the Heroin Diaries after I finish Slash in a day.

You read a book about Motley Crue? :picard:

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I can actually see the pin being pulled out of the grenade here. :slight_smile:

Read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo last week. It was a little clunky in places, but some of that may be due to the translation. Looking forward to the film this winter.

Probably going to pick up the other 2 books in the series this week.[COLOR=“Silver”]

I picked this up a little bit ago. Pretty good.

Any good apps for android and audio books?


Plus some android media player recognizes files over a certain size as audiobooks and saves your spot. I don’t remember which. Might have been the native MIUI player.

It was a really good book.

Read this:,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01.jpg

Interesting. I can understand what he says are causes, but I do not think his “fixes” are the best ideas. Tax the rich as much as possible and create new ways of
helping the poor. (not all of them bad though)

Listened to this while working in the basement.
Take from the rich, and make everyone equal. ambition be damned.

Listening to this presently,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01.jpg
I’m currently in the 60’s/70’s and it must have really sucked to be in any minority.