Read any good books lately?

Reading this now. It is fucking awesome.

im reading the life story of marilyn manson… im not a fan of reading or really of big fan of him… but its one of the first books ive read where i actaully wanted to turn the page becuase its so fucked

man, I still really want to read this book. A few years ago I was reading the forward @ a friends house and it was pretty fucked up. It was a new years party though so quickly ditched the book to get lit up :smiley:

hah well yeah its a good read so far… i got really far into it then i moved so i put it down for a while but im picking it up again.

cool, lmk how ya like it when ya finish, I’ll probably pick it up in the next few months

i am currently reading “i hope they serve beer in hell” by tucker max. awesome book. highly recommended

I’m really pissed he pushed back “Assholes finish first” a year to coincide with the movie for IHTSBIH. I had it pre-ordered and everything :tdown:


“The Way (Tao) and it’s Power” Lao-Tzu

“The Way of the Warrior” Bruce Lee

You are one intense dude.

Ever read the art of war?

rereading “charles bukowski-the most beautiful woman in town”

No I have not read that. I like to read alot of philosophy and that’s really what all these books are.

Up next I think is some Dr. Suess.



“Constitutional Chaos” by Judge Andrew Napolitano

“Fucking and Punching” great book!

To Fat To Fish!!!

i really hate artie langh too much too read anything that fat mess has written im sorry, not saying its not a good book i wouldnt know but he is just a fat loser in my opinion.

The true story of the Bilderberg group by Daniel Estulin

Conceived in Liberty-- Murray Rothbard

how about a good non fictional book. school is out, and for some reason i dont like not learning… anyone have a good book about something that is good to know about? maybe something business related?

dave ramseys book was good, i could read that again, although i rarely finish a book ive already read, same with movies ive already seen.

The Black Hand. Book about an ex Mexican Mafia leader. Pretty good book. Lots of killing, drug dealing, etc.

One chapter down.

So so many to go. :slight_smile: