Read any good books lately?

Awesome. Bring it to that bar meet we’ve got to plan and I’ll cover your drinks. You know, the one where we’re going to give “liquidity trap” a whole new meaning, if you catch my drift?! :rimshot: :picard:

I just finished this, and wow, what a fucking awesome book. I highly recommend :tup:

in cold blood was raw. one flew over the cuckoos nest was raw. just started Choke. it sucks.

Does raw mean good?



whippershnappers and their crazy slang con-foundit

Hip hop kids…

I finally got a copy of this to read, only took me 4 days during lunch/breaks and at home because I just could not put it down. Great read and very interesting ideas. Honestly I was surprised about how much this book made me angry thinking about people that I know and have read about that I could associate with characters in this book.

A real breath-taking novel

i thought the book was sweet. but i dont know about how they could make it into a movie but they did.

Currently Reading This:

Its quite good and an eye opener.

This is the best thread on this site.

City on the edge
Mark Goldman

If you are interested in Buffalo and its complete history this is a good read.

OOH! sweet!! Coming soon! More from Tucker Max!

The case for a creator
By Lee strobel

The God delusion
By Richard Dawkins

The Dawkins delusion
By Alister McGrath



try this gem

Haha have you checked out some of the Certified Ethical Hacker study materials? Some of the exploits and methods of taking over servers were so far fetched, if they pulled it off I would be like “Take the damn server”

Yea I read over most of the course work…first thing that came to mind was “good luck with that in the real world”

We have a grant for training…I am enrolled in certified penetration testing specialist(Same stuff as certified ethical hacker)…looking forward to passing so I can put that on my business card :tup: :lol:

You want to put Penetration specialist on your business card?:roflpicard:

So I’ve really gotten into audio books while driving/working out/working around the house. Or when I can’t sleep and want to “read” in bed but can’t turn on the light because of the wife thing.

Lame as it may sound, I read (well, listened to while driving to/from Indiana) all of the Harry Potter books this summer. They were actually really really entertaining and not childish, but I could really see the value in them for kids. Dealing with feelings of abandonment when someone dies, social rejection, etc.

I’ve started and abandoned Dante’s Divine Comedy on audio. Interesting but I really need to read it. Too hard to focus, as the language is fairly difficult. (IIRC it was originally written in the 14th century in Italian and was translated into english by longfellow.)

Started & abandoned Ayn Rand’s Anthem too. More of a propaganda paper than a story. :tdown:

Started & abandoned the first lord of the rings book. I’m not sure that even I am enough of a geek for that one. We’ll see, I may try that one again, or start with the hobbit.

Now I’m reading (actual book) the new Dan Brown book. Same exact damn story line as all of his other books, but entertaining nonetheless. I’m also listening to a biography of James Madison. So far it just kind of dove right into what seems like it should be the middle of the book. It’s interesting, but if the writing doesn’t get any better I may abandon that too.

Gotta find me something good to sink my brain into. Early American history seems to be my thing lately. Maybe I’ll look a little harder for that book ecoshardcore recommended.

Plus I’m back in school so recreational reading has to take a back seat. Well, it should but it doesn’t. :stuck_out_tongue: