Ready to ride already...

I love winter, but since I got my bike last year, I am ready for it to be over already.

Don’t forget about the PAMSP if you need it, or know someone who needs it. The first courses open for registration right about now (or in the next few weeks) with the actual course in late March or early April.

I feel ya on this! Last summer was my first summer on 2 wheels. Now I am itching to ride again. I did get to go for a spin a couple weeks back when we had that warm spell. What makes it even worse is that I am finalizing a deal on an 05 Kawi 636 and I know it will kill me to not be able to ride it right away… patience is a virtue though…

And the PAMSP is an excellent idea for anyone wanting their license. I am encouraging all of my friends and family to take it even if they don’t plan on riding. It is free and anyone who leaves there will be more aware of motorcycles on the road as legit vehicles. Plus its always good to have new skills.

I take it you are getting that 636 from Gattos?

Yep, finalizing it this weekend. I tried to take it home last Saturday but due to clerical errors on their end it didn’t happen.

Good deal, I’m sure you will be happy with it.

I’ll be happy once the weather is good enough. I am already feeling the urge just seeing my old bike sitting there. When I have nice, new(er) bike shined and ready to go - looking at it with snow in the driveway will kill me!

Yeah tell me about it, My Exhaust will be here this week and I’m just sticking it in the corner. I found the best way not to get the itch is to put the bike away and forget it is there. I put it into storage mode and hooked it up to the charger when the weather got bad and I haven’t even lifted the cover on it all winter.

I put new tires on in January, but have not had a chance to ride it. I hear it is supposed to be nice this weekend?

I’m in atlanta now & have not looked at the weather forecast for Pgh yet. I got a few texts from friend who want to ride this weekend.

i just ordered a few triumph goodies, so i am itching

cant wait to get the r6 out. winter sucks (aside form hockey)

I rode the last 2 days. It was awesome.

I saw a few other people out on bikes on the way home.

It won’t be long!!!

About 80 miles last evening. It was a great night for riding, except for all the asshole drivers that can never see bike, especially when your like 10 feet from them…

just had a custom built chopper out for a small shake down run 145ci 115 octane monster nice ride but people in cars dont pay attention and a 10ft chopper isnt the most adjaul bike

rode about 50 miles yesterday evening. I would have rode more/earlier, but I had a lot of running around to do & had to carry some stuff. I took my truck instead. Got to put about 70 miles on it for it’s 1st day out in 6 months.

Wel lthe rain is here, and the weekend is over, but in the end I got about 300 miles in this weekend. 80 Friday evening, about 120 Sat., and another 100 today. All in all it was a great weekend.

Yeah this past sat after my oil change I rode from irwin to breezewood and back just to clean the bike out. Felt VERY VERY good… much faster than the pickup hahaha

The next week looks pretty good!

Ok weather needs to improve and stay nice now. I’m ready to go with my new exhaust and my quick remove windshield for long trips.

(Don’t mind the smudge marks. It needs cleaned because of last night while working on it till 2 am. I didn’t have time because I had to get to bed due to working at 6:30am this morning)

Nice! Is that a vance and hines 2 into 1?

Foggy as hell this morning, but I rode anyways. I have to find a set of chaps for these cold mornings. I have good gloves, a neck gaiter, and wear 5 layers of shirts and jackets. It is just my legs that get cold.

No V&H only makes the big shots for my bike, so I went with the Cobra Power Pro HP 2 into 1. I want to keep as much torque as possible. Plus I have an issue with my fiance burning her boots on my pipes (this one sits lower and away from the passenger floor boards) and I like that the exhaust sits lower so I can get to the rear axel nut without having to move the exhaust like with any duals. So this seemed to be the best set up. In the fall I’ll add a Power commander and some time of air intake kit then have it dyno tuned.