Real haunted Locations

alright post um up…

i only really go out to one thats pretty damn creepy, which is hell in peters township… its back in the woods its a tunnel and bridge

post up other haunted places you know of

I’ve been there before

only the weak-minded believe in hauntings.

would you knock it off already. ppl are just trying to have fun. there are ppl on this board just as smart as you, but don’t have to degrade everyone else that didn’t ace teh SAT’s or some test a psychologist gave you at 6 cause you didn’t play well with others…and of course hauntings aren’t real… but when some"place" has some"thing" that is scary as hell ppl will go and visit and get scared and have fun. :asshole :grouphug:

The Church I work in has spooky things the happen sometimes.

hell in peters township is pretty fucked up, i never believed in shit till i went down there, theres seriously something messed up down there

tell me better locations!

greensman tunnel (corvette tunnel) is gay nothing scary about it,
i’ve never been to 13 bends but want to go…

sorry…didn’t mean to come off like a dick… i just get so sick of hearing “this place is haunted, i’ve seen it”…especially this time of year. people go on and on about the most inane and implausable bullshit when it comes to that kind of thing.

kinda like ur post!

how bout u tell me how to get there?
in lamense terms coz since i don’t think i’ve heard of it before, i probably won’t know the area

go down rt 19 (washington road) past south hills village mall, you’ll keep going past the high school on your right, and then keep goin straight, you’ll start ot go up a hill, keep goin and then you’ll start to come up ona shopping plaza on your right and a little sears store on your left, your going to want turn right and go up another hill like your going to the new bank they made, (this turn is right where dominos pizza is) follow that road, you’ll go thru a couple stop signs, then you’ll start to go down a steep hill and end up in the woods, theres train tracks at the bottom, park somewhere and follow the train tracks to the right… (where the jersey barriars are) you’ll come up to a bridge and tunnel, thats hell…

devil night is over,thanks buttwipe
