Real Success?

OK I would hope it’s more than just having 1xxx whp and being KOTS fo’ life…

What defines success for you?


  • Good family life and having at least one friend who can be trusted with anything
  • Working at a job I find fulfilling and see meaning in
  • Enjoying good physical health
  • Earning enough to put aside for future and retirement
  • Being happy with the material stuff I have

Mine are pretty similar.

I’ve done pretty well for myself so far between my education, job, and family. Once I finish paying off my mistakes of 5 years ago, I’ll be good to go, although I am putting away as much as I can into my retirement with company matching so I’m building a good nest.

1xxxwhp, KOTS 4 lyfe.

  1. Rosso Vik Murcielago

That’s about it

I figure if I can reach that point, the rest of my life will probably pretty well sorted.

Pic for reference

Real Success: Fucking mad hot bitches yo!

Real success is measured in the amount of badass toys and the amount of tools one can possess.

I find that if i make it to tomorrow that im am successful. I live my life one day at a time.

Yea? Well I find that if I make it down the street in one piece that I’m successful. I live my life a quarter mile at a time.

lol asshole i was being serious

Tyte but seems unoriginal… :lol

:lol but I can picture you rolling it man…

Now THAT’S real

This man knows. When I sold my KTM625 I felt like I went a step in the wrong direction.

mostly becasue I used that money to buy a pile of shit for ranger… but still you get the point. :rofl

Well Wayne is definitely a step in the right direction with that monster of a Ford pickup taking up half of D-burg… He not only has to be KOTS but KOHD (King Of Home Depot) as well I guess…


Can’t be a real man with badass toys and shitty/no tools! :thumbup

Yep my toys aint lawn ornaments, they get played with, hard… so when they break I gotta fix them so i better have the tools!

A man is only as good as his tools :slight_smile: :thumbup

<---- :frowning:

^ Get some tools bro! And I’m not talking about the ones with blow-outs!

Damn. I was just gonna call Tony 200 and have him stand in my garage for a while.

I have some basic tools, enough to change oil, brakes, etc… Just nothing too extravagant for what I’d do.

I think being happy with what you have, or don’t have is the real key to success in life. I don’t have much at all as far as material things go. I work my ass off and break my back for a small paycheck compared to a lot of people. But I’m content with my life and happy as they come. So I’m successful as far as Im concerned.