How does one measure wealth

How do you measure ones wealth compared to yours. For example I envy Newman for his car collection and his endless source of knowledge on just about anything.

AKA you want to suck him off:suckoff: :suckoff:

edit: added smiles for effect

i don’t envy shit, and i’m happy when others can spend money on what they want


Do I detect sarcasm?



:zong: :zong:

I envy newman’s unhealthy obsession with girl shoes.

there is definitely sarcasm here

Step 1:
Add up the value of everything they own that is depreciating.
Cars, jet skis, motorcycles etc. Toss in rent if you don’t own a house, condo, apartment.

Step 2:
Add up the value of everything they own that is appreciating.
Retirement plans, real estate, investments etc.

If step 1’s number > step 2’s number, they don’t actually have any wealth, just a bunch of crap.

having a bunch of crap rules.

check it out:

chuck, just fuggin ask newman out already. ill make sure he picks you up in the little red sports car.

but i swear to god if he pays for dinner you better put out

There is no reason to judge someone by the amount of money or assets they possess…

Its all dick length, longer the better… and man am I on the short end

I don’t envy anyone on here because I know I earn more money than anyone on here.:smiley:

i bet i earned my company more. :slight_smile:

the machine i designed sells for about $90,000

There are paid orders for 30 already. With almost 100 more pending…

holy cow. so you made them 2.7 from jsut this one job …w/ about 9mil pending…why arent you making 6 figs?

well. it’s not all profit. but, i will be soon.

but that’s gross - what is the net profit though?

edit… damn, beat me to it.

I envy no one. I appreciate people that make their own life theirs…

doubt that, not me, but other members who dont post as much… i could think of a few in the mid 6’s

^ mid 6s as in $500k/year?

thats what i thought - i bet he means mid hundreds…150ish…never know though.