reality pros

You’d fit right in. We could hang out at Stewart’s and shit


from what Ive seen Brunswick is mostly white, bordering on hillbilly

Reality is full of cons.

You would not fit in, most people are happy and outgoing.

Thats ok. I dont want to live there anyway.

haha he can drive the dumper in the back of the RV.

then hang out with jeffy gordonian aT DOVER SPEEDWAY.:excited:excited:excited


Hey john, my low life neighbors are prly gonna for close on their house soon… you should move in there.

btw… Im talking bout my house in brunswick.

lol :lmao


im lookin for a house jesse that is all lolol

Large kids, need large house. Ugh

PJB has sex with squirrels now.

You are such a fuckin tool

Im so glad I put all my excess trash in your truck.

slow marrrroooo needs to get in touch with reality