There are a lot of unknowns, such as how much impact energy is adsorbed during the compression of crash structures, did park hold the tires locked, does park hold only one tire locked, did the rear damage “brake” the rear tires…
So we have 2900lb moving at ???mph.
After impact moved 100’.
I’m sure 6 years ago I could come up with a better answer, but as in this thread: let’s assume 35 mph to see if plausible?
2900lb drunk car = 1318 kg.
Assuming 35 mph = 42 foot fall = 12.8 meters
Lands 100’ away = d = 30.48 meters
Equates to an impact force of 5424 N = 1219 lbs force
Let’s assume a vehicle in park has .5g of grip (pulled completely out of thin air, but would park hold, or close to limit on a 45* hill?) So it would take Vibe 2800lb*.5 = 1400 lbs of force to start to move it.
I say faster than 35 mph.
Trying 60 mph:
2900lb drunk car = 1318 kg.
Assuming 60 mph = 121 foot fall = 37 meters
Lands 100’ away = d = 30.48 meters
Equates to an impact force of 15679 N = 3524 lbs force, enough to start to move the Vibe, but enough to move it 100’ after energy is absorbed by crush panels? does the one tire holding park break free? Sliding friction is less than static friction.
Cliffs, too many variables for me. In my opinion with sloppy maths, drunk car was moving faster than 35 mph.
60 mph hitting a car of equal mass is kinda sorta close to hitting a brick wall at 30 mph. Is the damage greater or less than that?