Rear LCA removal issues...

Hit it with a bus.

As long as all the retainers and clips are out … you gotta whack that thing like a mofo.

Try a sledge, and if space allows, wedge a 2x4 against it to keep the metal from warping, and have at thee.

I know in the manual they show it just “popping” off. But when I did mine on the S12, I spent a few hours being so delicate, just tapping it.

Then my friend came over to help me, and WHACK out it came.

Keep in mind they’re pressed in with about 1 Ton of force, so you gotta do that to get it out :wink:

You need to split the ball joint, ie. seperate it from the rear upright.
There are multiple way to split a ball joint, which one you have to use if often determined by which pieces need to be used again.

From the sound of it you have a bent lower control arm, which I’m guessing you are replacing with a used one. Which I’m also guessing has a usable ball joint in it. If this is correct then you don’t care about the existing control arm, or the ball joint.

I’d suggest the following process:

  • Undo the ball joint nut (after removing the split pin if it has one), but leave it on a few threads.
  • somehow (this is where you get to be inventive) apply pressure between the upright and the control arm, so you are in effect trying to stretch teh ball joing , or or pull it out.
  • while you have this pressure applied hit the upright where teh ball joint goes through HARD. It if doesn’t let go hit it HARDER and apply more pressure until it does.

What this should do is ‘stretch’ the taper that the ball joint goes into enough to release the ball joint. Keeping the nut on a few threads stops everything flying apart when the taper lets go :wink:

I’ve never had any luck hitting the threaded end of a ball joint, it usually just ends up mushrooming over and having to be cut off with a torch.

A ‘pickle fork’ will often work - this is basically just a wedge that goes around the joint, you drive it in between the arm and the upright and it pulls the joint from the taper. These always wreck the rubber seal.

It sounds like you have tried to remove the ball joint from the arm. I don’t believe this is possible without splitting the ball joint from the upright first as teh ball joint presses in from teh bottom of the control arm as far as I recall.


I used a puller tool of some sort to pop my upright off the BJ. It destroyed the BJ but it came off so easy after all the BS with the fork tool. Bob, if you still need help have Pavel find me.

You got it off with Koguchi Power. Use the pitman arm puller from
Canadian tire. Free to rent.