Rear Stand - Borrow?

Anyone have a rear stand I can borrow for a couple days (maybe a week) until mine come in (says July 5-10th on Amazon as the delivery window).

I didn’t realize I needed to jack up the bike slightly (in the front with a floor jack - but need the rear stand to keep the bike stable) to do a slider kit install (no cut - Shogun). I already started and would like to finish in time for the nice weekend so I can do some riding. Right now the bike is all taken apart.

Doesn’t matter if it’s swing arm or spool, I have both (just installed the spools yesterday).

Please PM me ASAP, I will drive out to wherever you are and give you $20 for your trouble.


I got one I can keep, you’ll just have to fix the spool holder it bent.

PM Sent. Thanks man.