Recommended movers for in state move?

My mom is retiring this year and plans to move from 12937 (way up north in NY, 5.5 hours by car) to this area to be near her grand daughter. She’s got a big house and a ton of stuff so please don’t suggest “why not do it yourself”. Anyone have some recommendations for movers? Any horror stories about who to stay away from?

EDIT: I already agreed to handle the gas powered stuff movers might not want to deal with or charge extra for (riding mower, snow blower, pressure washer etc) so it’s basically going to be lots and lots of boxes and furniture.

You can get an estimate from Zito Movers, they are great to deal with. 685-6919 ask for Joe.

I used M&J moving when I moved from my apartment in West Seneca to my house in Tonawanda. They moved my mother-in-law at the same time. We used them because my mother-in-law’s husband has used them like 3 or 4 times. I’ll be using them again in a month to move from Tonawanda to GI. I don’t know how they compare, but I was happy enough with them to use them again. If the price seems high I’ll shop around, otherwise I’ll just use them.

Give them a call to make sure they’re available and they’ll have you fax over a list of all of your stuff, plus charge $1/box, and they’ll get you a quote based on your stuff and how far.

M&J Moving…563 Erie St Lancaster NY 684 6329

Can’t really help you with personal experience, since my parents moved me every time I needed to with their truck and trailer, but one of the guys I lived with used one of those PODS places, where they drop a container off at your place, you pack it, then they pick it up and take it where it needs to go, or store it for you til you need it there. might be an option if she doesn’t want other people touching or packing it. I thin that’s the one he used. Either that for Store to Door, which I think is now uhaul based.

when i came pack from the area, i used Cook moving, they came pack everything, tagged everything, gave me a print out… etc.

Most movers in thread look to be local Buffalo area ones. I doubt they’d go over that far and drive back, I suppose worth a look. We used All American Movers when we moved last year. Jay take a look at yellow pages here and have your mom look there see if any in state ones are listed.

Well as much as I hate to do it, looking like this is going to be a DIY move. All the estimates so far have been over $6000. Two 26 foot uhauls plus one of their biggest trailers and gas for both trucks is a little under $1500. FML

Wow. Must be the distance. I just got my quote from M&J and it was $650 from Tonawanda to Grand Island. Two trucks, 8 guys. It’ll probably be around $1k at the end of the day.

Yep, that’s what I’m hearing. Because of the distance it’s a 2 day move, 2 trucks, 2 crews blah blah.

So I’ve started recruiting friends to help unload. Cashing in all those “listen motherfucker, how many times have I helped you move” chips. :slight_smile:

it is a lot of labor and the over night stay or two must make it crazy expensive. i’ve never given a thought to how expensive it is to move. I learn something new every day on here

edit: what about doing a pods deal like was mentioned above? I know the Uhaul thing gets really expensive with the way the charge miles. I was surprised to see it under 1500 honestly. just a thought. they could throw 2 or 3 pods on a big rig and move it. Just thinking that may be cheaper that 1500 + you don’t have to drive so long.

I tried PODS and Upack, neither service East Bumblefuck where my mom currently lives. Hell, the nearest Penske rental is an hour away. Uhaul seems like the the only option.,+ny&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=36.452734,67.587891&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Fort+Covington,+Franklin,+New+York&z=15

Zito was the best so far, at $5895. But on top of that it was $1 per box, and they were worried if there were too many boxes they would need a 3rd truck which would add significantly to the cost. That was when I started looking at uhaul and the 2 trucks + 1 6x12 cargo trailer. It doesn’t help that she’s doing this mid July, peak moving time (meaning peak rates).

So glad the wife’s companay is paying for our move in July, moving is the worst. I just wish I could find a better way of getting my cats from here, to denver without me driving them the whole way.

I’m all about solutions…

Just gotta be careful. Here’s a pic of my last move and Whiskers didn’t take it too well… RIP lil buddy :frowning:

Lol, I do like my cats though, the one just doesn’t do well with car rides and it gets super annoying.