Anyone can recommend a good mover?

need to move out of here at the end of august to chicago, anyone who have used movers in the past, can you recommend one?
pointers of what to watch for would be appreciated too…heard horror stories about moving interstate by mayflower…

do not use packpro…

are you looking for full service or u-pack places?

get a uhaul and do it yourself.

bah fuck that moving sucks.

full service…considered doing myself but then i live in a 5th floor apt…also got to move 2 cars…

last time that i had to move from 1st floor to 5th floor in the same apt building took me and a friend a good day and half…don’t want to go thru that again…

Herman Movers have moved me twice…

They look sketchy as shit, but are very reliable and professional…

so got a quote from vanline for 2000. full service.
will cost me around 400-600 for 1 of the car.
will drive the other so gas only…150
total 2750.00
if i do it myself…610 for a truck for 4 days and a towing dolly…for the car
about 200 for gas…
will cost me around 400-600 for 1 of the car.
will need 4 people to help for a day to load…100x4 400
will need 4 people to help for a day to unload…100x4 400
total 2210.00
hmmmmm…what would you guys do? drive a uhaul truck for 600miles and save 500 or let them do it and forget about hiring people here and there and have anything insured?


Herman Movers have moved me twice…

They look sketchy as shit, but are very reliable and professional…


do they do interstate? are they insured??

Depends how much you need an extra $500?

I like to consider decisions like that as how much time its going to take you to dick around with it, at whatever amount you make per hour at work. Or, how lazy you’re feeling.

I’d rather let someone else worry about it.


Depends how much you need an extra $500?

I like to consider decisions like that as how much time its going to take you to dick around with it, at whatever amount you make per hour at work. Or, how lazy you’re feeling.

I’d rather let someone else worry about it.


same here…thanks

The horror stories about Mayflower are to be heeded. We used Mayflower to move from Florida to NY and it was a disaster. So much shit was broken and some was just plain gone.

Don’t cheap out. A good multi state move isn’t cheap. If you want to cut costs, make sure you pack everything yourself. Then they just come and haul it all away.

How much stuff do you have?

full packed 1 bedroom apt…
i prefer having them pack…
did anyone use north american van lines?


you better not bitch about cost if you aren’t willing to pack a 1BR apt.

i am not as i said before… anyway can you recommend someone?