Red Belly Piranhas

I just bought 3 Red Belly Piranhas from elmer’s in monroeville,I didnt really know what kind of fish i wanted but when i saw these i had to have em!!Does anyone else here have them?

I used to feed mine angle fish, that i caught in a pond in sewickley heights.

it lasted about 6 years and died from that water fungus shit :bash:
rarley have to clean the tank. besides the left over fish guts :kekegay:

i’ve had them for years.

don’t keep them in the same tank after 6 months… they’ll eat eachother.

i bought mine when they were about 3inches… they grew to about 8 inches… got HUGE…

nasty fish… :slight_smile: when it’s raining, go outside and grab earthworms and toss them in…

make sure to clean the water a lot if you feed them live shit… the water / filter gets nasty…

i usually fed them 2 goldfish a week each plus dry food… they’ll jump out of the tank… so cover the top and put something on it…

i’ve heard that pirhannas aren’t the most exciting (feeding frenzy) type fish unless they’re starving and that there is another type of fish that feeds crazy all the time.

I used to have 5 of them till I went away for a week on vacation and my grandmother accidently killed them. She got the feeding instructions wrong between my two tanks and they ended up getting a damn fungus I couldn;t get rid of. I had those in one tank and two giant jack dempsy chiclids in another.

When I get done with the one in my bar If I can’t find any giant fish that eat other fish, I think I’m going to get more.

I have 10 of them right now in a 75 gallon aquarium. They are awesome. I feed them live goldfish. Mine are still small since I bought them as fry at the end of the summer.

you guys aren’t having problems with them eating eachother!?

I didn’t when I had them, I got them small and they lived together for about a year after I got them before they got the clap. :dunno:

I was looking into getting some pirahna’s recently. I was given a 10 gallon tank for free so I setup a tank for the hell of it. I wanted to get a red bellied black pirahna (I think thats what it was called) but it was kinda expensive. Plus such a small tank I’d have to get a bigger one eventually. Not to mention its the first time I owned fish and wanted to make sure I cared enough to feed them, clean them, etc. So i got some wussy fish in the mean time. Maybe sometime I’ll just plop the pirahna in and clean the current fish out.

I also read they are the most aggressive fish, especially while in schools. They have no problem attacking animals thousands of times their size…

for sure… i have some videos at home of piranhas… what they do is start to eat something walking throuhg a river or what have you, then they swim inside the body and eat it from the inside out! … they can kill a cow and eat it all within 3 or so minutes (larger school)… it’s nasty.

there is also a lot a myth with them. if they are fed regulally they are not as agressive. That happends when they are starved, and that cow thing usually happeds during the dry seasons and they are stuck in small pools in south america that are used to water the live stock.

you have to read up on them if you want them.

my friend used to have a few piranhas back in the day. he forgot to feed them one day and they ate the other fish, then they ate each other. the next day he only had one fish left lol.

My old Oscar used to tear shit up… eat like 2 or 3 large goldfish at a time

I haven’t had any problems with them eating each other. Actually I even had a blue lobster and I still have a pleco with them. I keep them very well fed though. I feed them flakes in the morning and fish in the evening if I have some. They nip each other’s fins but that is about all. The 75gallon is pretty large for them now too so they don’t get into skirmishes too often.

Now I have the blue lobster with my (red devil)midas cichlid. That dude is cool. I call him asshole and he kicked my buddies oscar’s ass. It was really cool to watch them lip lock.

see… i was in a 20 gal tank, i think that’s why they eventually killed eachother! their fins were destroyed…

dude I actually just fed my piranhas a mouse. It was insane. They waited till it was tired and then ate its tail and then tore into it. I have some pics to post but I am too lazy to upload!

upload pics fool

we want pics!!!

![ and Cars! 015.jpg]( and Cars! 015.jpg)
![ and Cars! 014.jpg]( and Cars! 014.jpg)

large pics beware!