Red Dead Redemption

I picked up this game last night and im hooked. I played it from 5:30 til about 11. Storyline is pretty awesome.
Anyone else here got it?

For those who have no idea what it is; Its like Grandtheft Auto but takes place in the wild west. pretty awesome.

Hogtie a prosti and put her on the RR tracks. Good times.

What about BC2? Asshole.

HAhah its coming dont worry Cossey. It not like you have been on anyway hahah

Can you really?

Oh yessir.

WTF hahaha. but when you hog tie some one can you pick them up or do you just drag them behind on your horse

Pick up, put on back of horse, bring to tracks.

I may pick this up. Looks good.

def a good game which most will overlook because of the era

Yeh im hooked i had to put MW2 til the third when the new maps come out haha

awesome, may have to check this out… saw a commercial for this and looked pretty bad ass

i’ll have to check into this… not that i have ANY time.

kinda been waiting for this one to come out. Seems enteraining like GTA because of the open world style and the mini games. I wanna go hunting bears and cougars. Also that it has that morality system.

“War for Cybertron” will own all games soon enough. It is but a matter of time.

This does seem fun though, but I am so sick of GTA and spin-offs.

Just have my 7.1 and PS3 set-up like half year after I move to my new place. It is in my GF queue, looking forward to waste my time on this.

Just picked this up today, seems pretty cool. How long till I bang this girl on the ranch??!?!?

You dont.

Correction. YOU dont :lol.

i didnt seem to interested in it cause of this, i would like to hear more about it before buying it…