redconquesttsi >=? articzap

So we were cruising down xxxxxxxxx and decided to get in a couple of pulls. I’m at stock boost and his Conquest has the 18g at 16 psi. Although his car was bogging a little before full boost we still got a couple of runs in.

First run were doing about 50ish. We both ended up starting off in third, which is not a great gear, especially for me. Three beeps and he instantly pulls a couple of cars on me. God damn torque machine. I manage to gain a little back before we both shut down.

Second run we go from about 40ish. We both start off in second this time. Three beeps and were off. Through second its pretty even with Justin maybe a bit ahead. I shift to third as do he, but I actually manage to get mine into gear. I pull back any lead he has on me. Once the pre-dsm beast finds third he quickly grabs his small lead back. He hit fourth and again I find it and he doesn’t. I regain a bit of my lead, but he is still out in front by a fender or so. I run it up in fourth for a bit then decide to call it quits.

Some fun runs.

so i’m hoping you got whatever fuel problem you had wednesday when i talked to you sorted out before you’re doing pulls…

Yeah its for the most part sorted out. I’m just running a tad rich now.

better than lien :tup:

LOL yeah…between me being a shitty driver, and my trans having 140,*** miles on it, shifting is an effort in itself.

Dear Mitsubishi,

Build better transmissions. I mean, Cars.
Thank You.


Lean or lien. :lol:

100% Lean Meat
Title has a lien on it
