Region-free DVD players

Where is the best place to get one from? I’ve looked on and but that’s about it. The idea of these companies ‘modifying’ DVD players to be region free sounds a little sketchy to me.

Maybe someone here knows of a better source/way to do it.


No first-hand experience with them, but I’ve read that Oppo makes good region-free DVD players that do upscaling and have a good picture quality. Not exactly cheap though.

Back when I got my player, there was alot of info out there floating around on how to unlock various players. Most of that info has been squashed now, and is not so easy to find.

Most of the “modifying” the companies are doing now is to use a multi-region remote to send a code to the player to make it multi-region. If you look around, you might even find a site who will sell you such a remote. I know I saw one a little while back when I was looking for a region-free upscaling player.

Amazon has a few, mostly off-brand and cheap looking. But they’re around $40 so who cares.

Keep in mind “Region free” is also “Region 0”.

well… you can do it if you wanted to build yourself a media center… other than that, I’d keep looking around online for known region free players
