Remember Cuban "I cant pay my bills" crisis?

White00s10 (4:23:07 PM): banned again
White00s10 (4:23:14 PM): tsk* zodiac, will you ever learn?
RustEclipse (4:23:44 PM): what the fuck are you talking about?
RustEclipse (4:23:50 PM): what is zodiac?
RustEclipse (4:24:05 PM): a fuckin sign? is that what your trying to say? im lost here
White00s10 (4:24:38 PM): ahahahaha
White00s10 (4:24:43 PM): your sn on nyspeed
White00s10 (4:24:50 PM): you got banned again
White00s10 (4:24:55 PM): and dont say it wasnt you
White00s10 (4:25:00 PM): cuz we all know
RustEclipse (4:25:13 PM): i have not been on nyspeed ina long fuckin time
RustEclipse (4:25:22 PM): you know it was me how?
White00s10 (4:25:28 PM): AHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
RustEclipse (4:25:29 PM): what kind of lame proof do you think you got now
RustEclipse (4:25:30 PM): ?
White00s10 (4:25:36 PM): oh god this is priceless
RustEclipse (4:26:12 PM): if i went back on nyspeed it would only be to troll and create accounts to talk shit…
RustEclipse (4:26:29 PM): so whats the proof? that im apparently zodiac?
RustEclipse (4:26:43 PM): hmm… i see… don’t have any. like always
White00s10 (4:26:54 PM): 1 sec
White00s10 (4:26:54 PM):
RustEclipse (4:29:00 PM): that made no sense?
RustEclipse (4:29:38 PM): ok my email address… so what?
RustEclipse (4:29:45 PM): what does that proove?
White00s10 (4:31:04 PM): ahh god, dont worry, few more years of modeling and you can buy the server from howie and unban yourself.
White00s10 (4:30:34 PM): bwahahahahahahaha
RustEclipse (4:30:55 PM): you really are gay aren’t you?
White00s10 (4:31:36 PM): no, im not gay, I on the otherhand,. lost my v card before i was 19, to someone older than 15
RustEclipse (4:31:38 PM): :tup:
RustEclipse (4:31:54 PM): what kind of faggot uses the word V card…
White00s10 (4:32:28 PM): everybody whose lost it
RustEclipse (4:32:52 PM): well still waiting on proof that im zodiac…
White00s10 (4:33:31 PM): ahahaha wow
White00s10 (4:33:35 PM): im done, goodbye