Remember Cuban "I cant pay my bills" crisis?

You think you know everything, dont you?

And its 35 min, to meets i havent been too since september


aww did i make beck mad?

edit: i think you meant

jealousy is the greatest form of flattery


No doubt, first sushi and now this glorious recommendation… :roll2:


when you guys said lunch i thought you meant…you know…lunch. like around noon or so. not all of us have real jobs you know. some of us are dead beats and work in retail and have to work 2-10 pm shifts sometimes. which is exactly what i was working the day i was invited.

i’m in for next time pending no scheduling conflicts.


when you guys said lunch i thought you meant…you know…lunch. like around noon or so. not all of us have real jobs you know. some of us are dead beats and work in retail and have to work 2-10 pm shifts sometimes. which is exactly what i was working the day i was invited.

i’m in for next time pending no scheduling conflicts.


It was dinner, not lunch… You’d best be there, sucka.


It was dinner, not lunch… You’d best be there, sucka.


i realize that now, but you or adam said lunch. and i’ll be there one of these times. adam has my number and you should too. call/text me.


i realize that now, but you or adam said lunch. and i’ll be there one of these times. adam has my number and you should too. call/text me.


pm me your number… We gotta get Jam to come too…


i realize that now, but you or adam said lunch. and i’ll be there one of these times. adam has my number and you should too. call/text me.


i just love when i read things that say text me. i win!


02celicaGTs kinda quiet, when beck posts, its like a total persona change, like night and day…

