Remember that wooden engine hoist fiasco?

I’m trying to find the pictures.

Someone swapped a motor in the parking lot of their apartment complex by building some wooden structure over their car with pallets.

Ring a bell?

it does.

IIRC, the project ended fine, but not sure if the person did.

I think he was killed in some sort of accident a few years later.

Probably not exactly an accident…

Why did you make a thread about it @newman?

Sucks he killed himself, i remember the wooden engine hoist thread, but not him killing himself.

I went back through the links people posted here and im not gonna attempt to log into myspace to see the pics of the wooden hoist, too bad im curious about what process looked like.

Someone post them lol

Someone on another forum was talking about hanging a motorcycle from the rafters in their garage instead of using a lift and it reminded me of that.

Odd thread…