
nice to see another unappreciative post by you on something you have no clue about…I used to argue with you before I came over here and saw it first hand and told you that you have no fucking clue what your talking about but even now seeing it first hand I really know now that your just a fucking moron that will never get it and will always have something ignorant to say about it. I’m sure mx6 knows just as well as me what it’s like to see that this is the right thing to do over here. All you have to do is be here once to see the people and see that the “real” people the ones that live everyday lives like you and i are better off because of what we’re doing here.

What I can’t believe is that you actually have enough disrespect to mock a man that actually raised his hand and made a sacrifice for you, for me, for the man standing next to him over here, and the “real” people here. Until you do something that isn’t selfish and you do something that is unselfish shut the fuck up and go eat a dick.

These are some pics of progress that’s been made in this country because of us…they are from a daily combat camera unit briefing