
What are you basing it on, your wasted life? Your experiences? No, your incapacity to find out first hand what you preach.

Because we’ve have earned that right… we’ve already been there, and have first hand accounts. You, on the other hand, do not.

Sorry, I forgot the beatiful & wonderful country that Iraq was before we invaded… Saddam who?.. Are you that stupid? They lived with that shit for decades before we got there. You just started seeing it on your TV and got butthurt. Its a third world country hoss, go ahead and google 1/2 of the African nations, youll see much worse.

ahh again… the lack of knowledge… have you ever been to Baghdad? no

needlessly? based on…?

which is so much worse than fearing for your life daily because your leader controls everything. your food, your water, everything is regulated by a psychopath running your country. you talk shit like youre doing now, you would have been dead many years ago.

hey pal, just shut up. the people proving you wrong, are the same people have have actually done something to deserve the liberty to speak freely. you on the other hand, have done shit; you have no right to talk like you know what youre saying, nor to insult two people in this thread that have obviously done more in our 20 some odd years of life than you will ever do. enjoy your liberty to talk shit, but go do it around people who give a flying fuck. this is a thread to remember people that died innocently, the same reason we fight. have some respect, this is not a thread for you to give your fucking opinion shitbrick.

me and two little girls that gave us hugs when we came to their town