Renman's buildup thread - winter 2007

Your engine’s still in the wrong way.

damn renny, your car is looking real good.
the paint is very shiny :slight_smile:

Thanks guys. It needs a wash. The car is covered in dust from being in the garage without a cover. Wash, wax, etc.

Taking it for an e-test, and then to Gilman’s for an alignment this Friday.

nice whip man!!! ill be sure to bug u if i see u on the road!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


Slam it!! Stop being a wuss!

I like it - except the tint, take that shit off.

Hahaha I’ve been getting flack for the tint from a lot of people. To me, it’s not a deal breaker, but I do have plans to replace it eventually.

+1 on ugly tints

got any interior shots?

nice car btw, tint the rears as dark as you can.