Rent Vs. Buy Myths That Ruined the Housing Market

EDIT: I read this incorrectly the first time. If you would have said this:
“I don’t want to do work on my house”

Then this would have made more sense:

I was waiting for someone to post this.

What you’re employer is willing to pay you and what you are worth at home are 2 completely different things. You don’t pay yourself to be home, and if you did, you’d lose money.

At my house, when I’m mowing the lawn for 4 hours… I don’t get paid. Sure, it’d be great to make a couple hundred bucks… but it aint happening. You don’t get paid to paint your house either… these are things that you get rewarded for in the end, when you sell the house, or when you are just satisfied with your work.

Someone tried to make that point to me the other day… but unless you’re “working from home” you’re not making any money.

If you have the time and the drive… buy cheaper. You’ll make out in the end.