Rep showing the giver Yes or No.

No, not because I care…but the people who get bent out of shape about rep care oh so much. Won’t stop me from negging random people for random things…

It’s stupid, zero forums I’m on that have rep show who it’s from.

yeah but if it shows the person who neg repped you and you know it was for no good reason you can catch em at the lot and call them an asshole to their face and possibly get more action at the lot b/c we dont have enough with all the lower lot spanish speaking folk doing donuts and burnouts:ahh

more fights at the lot- always a great idea. :Idiots

Yeah there ya go, get worked up over an online forum
I’m negging you right now.

yes we need it. Let me give some examples why. I was neg repped for the following posts:


i now know where i wanna shove your fleshlight :Idiots

i accidently the whole thing.

i dont get it,maybe im :retardclap

Erm, been on the lookout to enable the feature, couldn’t find it.

I’ll call the vB rep on Monday.

it would be just silly to make it visible. Visible or delete the feature completly

there ya go.
I agree.

Less drama=good.

or you could all stfu and stop arguing about something so pointless. Kthxbye! :slight_smile:

I dont give a dead moose’s last shit if i can see it or not.


Care to elaborate?

? Disagree. I’m only on here for the drama. Take that away and you just have Vot posting stupid automotive abominations.

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could very well lead to physical altecations

whos beating who? fighting beceause of things said on the interweb, thats classy.